Tandem Paragliding

Ohrid Makedonien

The Sky of Macedonia is filled with thermals. Moderate continental climate forms different flying conditions – easy for the beginners in the valleys and big challenge for the good pilots in the rocky mountains.

High mountains, overgrown by the wood, generate the broad and strong thermals. Extensive valleys provide a lot of safety and comfortable landing places.

Closed from all directions by ridges, this country – one of the best places, with amazing infrastructure for easy approach to the take offs and easy to pick up pilots after long xc flights where ever they land.

Alk Rejser i samarbejde med Paragliding Club Vertigo – Macedonia

Prisen inkluderer:
Paragliding udstyr
Paragliding pilot/instruktør

Prisen inkluderer ikke:
Transport fra/til opsamlingsstedet
Afbestillings- og/eller rejseforsikring
Individuelle udgifter (dvs. frokost på stedet o.l.)

Eksempel på transport pris i Ohrid:
Fra Ohrid centrum til udspringningssted t/r
5 eur/person

Varighed: ca. 2 timer – 4 timer (varierer af valgt program)

Tid: Hele dagen

Priser fra 495 kr. pr. person

Minimum antal deltager: 1 person

Bedste periode: April – Oktober

Afgangssted: Vil fremkomme af dit rejsebevis/voucher

Varighed af flyvning: Ca. 20-30 minutter (varierer af valgt program)

Reservation: Ved rejsens bestilling


Program 1:
Flyv over Ohrid (Galicica National Park 1300 m.o.h.)
Ca 2 timer
fra 495 kr./person

Program 2:
Flyv over Ohrid (Galicica National Park 1700 m.o.h.)
Ca 3 timer
fra 520 kr./person

Program 3:
Flyv over Ohrid eller Prespasøen (Galicica National Park 1640-1680 m.o.h.)
Ca 4 timer
fra 565 kr./person

Program 4:
Flyv over Struga (Jablanica mountain 1600 m.o.h.)
Ca 4 timer
fra 565 kr./person